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纽约城市大学Zhuping Liu助理教授讲座通知

发布时间: 2018/06/05 14:09:00     点击次数:次   打印本页





纽约城市大学Zhuping Liu助理教授讲座通知



题目: Push and Pull: Targeting and Couponing through Mobile App


主讲人: Zhuping Liu, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York


主持人:赵秋红 教授


时间 201862014:30-16:30


地点: 北航新主楼A1148




We examine the effects of mobile targeting by capturing the dynamic interactions among shopper-initiated and publisher-initiated activities. Shoppers might receive targeted push messages based on either their individual historical behavior (“behavior-based push”) or their current shopping location (“location-based push”). We develop a novel multinomial multivariate point process model, which zooms into days that include activities and zooms out of inactive days to predict the dynamic interactions between activities.


The analysis reveals interesting insights into mobile targeting. First, behavior-based push can substantially increase the probability of coupon pull. A push message with the right timing and content, can lead to more than 42% increase in the probability of coupon pull on the same day. Second, location-based push can remind shoppers of coupons available from the mobile app and significantly improve the probability that shoppers pull coupons during shopping. A location-based push helps increase the probability of coupon pull by more than 41% in a regional mall and by almost 57% in a strip mall. Third, stacking multiple behavior-based pushes with the right timing and content and targeting the right shoppers can substantially amplify the effects of a single push on shopping mall visits while location-based push can drive dramatically higher coupon redemption intentions. Therefore, behavior-based push and location-based push play different roles in influencing shopping activities. We conclude with implications for publishers, mall owners, and retailers on how to leverage mobile targeting to increase mobile app usage, foot traffic and coupon redemptions.


主讲人简介:Zhuping Liu(柳祝平)是纽约城市大学巴鲁克商学院市场学助理教授。他是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校营销学博士,并持有北航管理科学与工程硕士和康涅狄格大学统计学硕士。主要研究方向包括移动营销、精准营销、产品定价等,主要研究方法有贝叶斯计量经济学、时间空间模型,应用博弈论和机器学习等。他已发表多篇SSCISCI期刊论文,其博士论文赢得2017年度营销科学协会(Marketing Science InstituteAlden G. Clayton奖。