北京大学医学博士、东京工业大学管理科学与工程专业博士,日本国立环境研究所环境经济研究室博士后。研究方向为健康经济学、全球健康、气候变化应对和空气污染健康影响以及社会可持续发展。主要从事空气污染和气候变化对人群健康和宏观经济影响的定量分析。开发了健康综合评估模型定量评估全球、亚洲、国家和地区空气污染、气候变化及应对的健康和经济影响。该模型已经应用在评估中国三十省PM2.5 污染对健康和经济影响,京津冀地区健康与经济影响,以及上海地区健康和经济影响,全球、亚洲地区、中国和韩国等国家和地区气候变化应对健康和经济效益。研究耦合了空气质量模型、经济模型和健康模型,为能源、环境、健康政策定量评估提供了有效的工具支持。研究方法为国家发改委能源研究所提供了发展可再生能源带来的健康效益和经济效益分析。主讲课程包括《健康经济学》、《气候与社会》和《健康经济与管理》。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、北航“青年拔尖人才支持计划项目”,北航“卓越百人计划”等。在环境健康领域Environmental Science & Technology、Environment International, Environmental Research Letters、Lancet、 Lancet Public Health、Environmental Health Perspectives等环境健康领域顶级期刊发表40余篇,ESI前1%高被引论文累计3篇。国家自然科学基金委员会项目评审人,《柳叶刀健康与气候变化倒计时2020:中国报告》执笔作者,《全球疾病负担》Collaborator。
Xie, Yang, Wu Yazhen, Xie Mingjun, Li Baodi, Zhang Hui, Ma Teng, and Zhang Yuqiang (2020). "Health and Economic Benefit of China’s Greenhouse Gas Mitigation by 2050(2020)." Environmental Research Letters
Xie Yang, Dai Hancheng, Zhang Yanxu, Wu Yazhen, Hanaoka Tatsuya, and Masui Toshihiko (2019). Comparison of health and economic impacts of PM2.5 and ozone pollution in China, Environment International, 130: 104881.
Xie Yang, Dai Hancheng, Xu Xinghan, Fujimori Shinichiro, Hasegawa Tomoko, Yi Kan, Masui Toshihiko, and Kurata Gakuji (2018). Co-benefits of climate mitigation on air quality and human health in Asian countries, Environment International, 119: 309-18.
Xie Yang, Dai Hancheng, Zhang Yanxu, Hanaoka Tetsuya, Masui Toshihiko (2017). Health and Economic Impact of Ozone Pollution in China: a provincial level analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion. ACP849.
Xie Yang, Dai, Hancheng, Dong, Huijuan, Hanaoka, Tetsuya, Masui, Toshihiko (2016). Economic impacts from PM2. 5 pollution-related health effects in China: A provincial-level analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 50(9), 4836-4843.
Kim, Satbyul Estella, Xie Yang*, Dai Hancheng*, Fujimori Shinichiro, Hijioka Yasuaki, Honda Yasushi, Hashizume Masahiro, Masui Toshihiko, Hasegawa Tomoko, and Xu Xinghan (2020). Air quality co-benefits from climate mitigation for human health in South Korea, Environment International, 136: 105507.
Cai, W., et al., The 2020 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change. The Lancet Public Health, 2021. 6(1): p. e64-e81.
Hess, J.J., et al., Guidelines for modeling and reporting health effects of climate change mitigation actions. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2020. 128(11): p. 115001.
Lozano, R., et al., Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet, 2020. 396(10258): p. 1250-1284.
谢杨,戴瀚程,花岗达也,增井利彦(2016). PM2.5 污染对京津冀地区人群健康影响和经济影响. 中国人口资源与环境. 第26卷,第11期,PP:19-27.
Tian Xu, Dai Hancheng, Geng Yong*, Zhang Shaohui, Xie Yang*, Liu Xiaorui, Lu Pantao, and Bleischwitz Raimund (2019). Toward the 2-degree target: Evaluating co-benefits of road transportation in China, Journal of Transport & Health, 15: 100674.
Fujimori Shinichiro, Tomoko Hasegawa, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Hancheng Dai, Liu Jingyu, Haruka Ohashi, Xie Yang, Zhang Yanxu, Tetsuya Matsui, Yasuaki Hijioka(2020). Environmental Research Letters, 108304.
Tian Xu, Dai Hancheng, Geng Yong, Wilson Jeffrey, Wu Rui, Xie Yang, Hao Han (2018). Economic impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related health effects in China‘s road transport sector: A provincial-level analysis. Environment International 115, 220-229.
Zhang Xiang, Jin Yana, Dai Hancheng, Xie Yang, and Zhang Shiqiu (2019). Health and economic benefits of cleaner residential heating in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region in China, Energy Policy, 127: 165-78.
Wu Rui, Dai Hancheng, Geng Yong, Xie Yang, Masui Toshihiko (2017). Economic Impacts from PM2.5 Pollution-Related Health Effect: A Case Study in Shanghai. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (9), 5035–5042.
Dai Hancheng, Xie Yang*, Liu Jingyu, Masui Toshihiko (2017). Aligning renewable energy targets with carbon emissions trading to achieve China’s INDCs: A general equilibrium assessment. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. vol. 82, pp. 4121–4131.
Dai Hancheng, Xie Xuxuan, Xie Yang*, Liu Jian and Masui Toshihiko (2016). Green growth: The economic impacts of large-scale renewable energy development in China. Applied Energy 162: 435-449.