迄今发表权威学术期刊论文50余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Production and Operations Management (UT/Dallas 24)、Journal of Environmental Management (ABS 3星)、Accident Analysis & Prevention (ABS 3星)、International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction(应急管理顶刊)、International Journal of Project Management(项目管理顶刊)、Journal of Management in Engineering(工程管理顶刊)、Safety Science(安全科学顶刊)、Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(工程管理顶刊)、Automation in Construction、Cities、管理评论、运筹与管理等国内外权威期刊(SCI/SSCI/EI/CSSCI等)发表论文近40篇,主编出版教材《工程管理专业英语》一部。2015年以来,论文在Google Scholar数据库中被引用2500余次,H指数高达26。
担任国际权威期刊《Journal of Civil Engineering and Management》(SCI二区)编委,中国系统工程学会应急管理系统工程专委会副秘书长,中国管理现代化研究会管理思想与商业伦理专委会理事,中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会理事,中国城市经济学会基础设施与运维管理专业委员会委员,中国技术经济学会工程建设管理专委会理事,世界交通运输大会施工与项目管理专委会委员,美国土木工程师学会(工程管理最权威国际组织)会员(A.M. ASCE)等学术职务。担任Production and Operations Management (UT/Dallas 24)、Accident Analysis & Prevention(ABS 3星)、International Journal of Project Management、Journal of Management in Engineering、Automation in Construction、Safety Science等管理科学、应急管理、职业安全与健康、项目管理等领域10余本顶尖期刊通讯评审专家。
国际权威学术期刊《Journal of Civil Engineering and Management》(SCI一区)编委;
国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Built Environment》编委;
美国土木工程师学会(工程管理最权威国际组织)会员(A.M. ASCE);
10.北航研究生教育与发展研究专项基金,“过程导向的经管类硕士生培养质量多元评价体系构建:基于柯氏评估模型 ”,2019.05-2020.07(主持)
11.国家自然科学基金课题,面上项目,“安全领导力对建设项目安全绩效作用机理的理论与实证研究”,2016.01– 2019.12(作为博士生负责)
12.国家自然科学基金课题,面上项目,“基于系统动力学建模和多主体建模的土木工程施工安全相关行为仿真模型及其应用”,2014.01 – 2017.12(参与)
17.上海铁路局重点课题,“高速铁路建设单位安全管理的理论与方法”,2014.01 – 2017.07(作为博士生负责)
18.上海铁路局重点课题,“高速铁路建设项目安全管理创新研究”,2012.09 – 2013.12(作为博士生负责)
19.中国水电建设集团“走出去”重点咨询课题,“基于软实力和企业社会责任的国际化战略研究”,2012.03 – 2013.02(作为博士生负责)
20.华润置地精品管理咨询课题,“华润置地有限公司安全生产管理考核评价”,2011.10 – 2012.02(参与)
1.Wu, C. L., Yao, H., Ning, X., & Wang, L., Emergence of Informal Safety Leadership: A Social-Cognitive Process for Accident Prevention. Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(11): 4288-4305, SCI, UT/Dallas 24, ABS 4星,学院A+级期刊
2.吴春林, 赵恬悦, 曹鑫, 欧阳桃花 (2024). 数字化背景下初创企业如何实现颠覆性创新:动态营销能力视角. 管理评论, 已接收. 基金委A类期刊, CSSCI
3.Wu, X., Yang, M., Wu, C. L.*, & Liang, L. (2024). How to avoid source disruption of emergency supplies in emergency supply chains: A subsidy perspective. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102, 104303. SCI一区
4.Zheng, X., Hu, X., Wu, C. L.*, & Bai, J. (2024). Does owners’ leadership matter to relational behavior in mega construction projects? A role orientation perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, early access. SCI一区
5.Hou, L., Yang, F., Liang, W., Wu, C. L.*, & Song, J. (2024). Government subsidy and benefit distribution mechanisms for transportation PPP projects: An evolutionary game perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 359, 120981. SCI一区, ABS 3星
6.Ju, L., Ji, Y. P., Wu, C. L.*, Ning, X., & He, Y. (2024). Relationship between abusive supervision and workers' well-being in construction projects: effects of guanxi closeness and trust in managers. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(8), 3429-3451. SCI一区
7.He, C., Wu, C. L., McCabe, B., Hu, Z., Shen, Y., Jia, G., & Sun, J. (2024). A Bayesian network model integrating organizational, individual and psychological factors for strengthening construction worker safety behavior. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2024.2371696. SSCI, 共同一作
8.吴春林, 杨洋, 赵墨非, 等. 基于演化博弈的生产作业现场工人安全纽带缔结的驱动机制研究. 运筹与管理, 2023, 32(09): 64-71. 基金委A类期刊, CSSCI
9.Hou, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, C. L.*, & Song, J. (2023). Improving the greenness of enterprise supply chains by designing government subsidy mechanisms: based on prospect theory and evolutionary games. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1283794.
10.Zhao, N., Fan, D., Chen, Y., Wu, C. L.*, Impact of innovation organization network on the synergy of cross-organizational technological innovation: evidence from megaproject practices in China. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2023, 29(1): 50–66. SCI一区
11.He, C., Hu, Z., Shen, Y., & Wu, C. L.* (2023). Effects of demographic characteristics on safety climate and construction worker safety behavior. Sustainability, 15(14), 10985.
12.Ning, X., Huang, J., Wu, C. L.*, et al., The double-edged sword of safety training for safety behavior: the critical role of psychological factors during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health, 2022, 19(17): 10951. SCI一区
13.Ning, X., Qiu, Y., Wu, C. L.*, et al. Developing a Decision-Making Model for Construction Safety Behavior Supervision: An Evolutionary Game Theory-Based Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 13, 861828. SCI一区
14.Zhao, N., Lei, C., Liu, H., Wu, C. L.*, Improving the Effectiveness of Organisational Collaborative Innovation in Megaprojects: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach. Sustainability, 2022, 14(15): 9070. SCI
15.Ning, X., Liu, T., Wu, C. L.*, & Wang, C., 3D Printing in Construction: Current Status, Implementation Hindrances, and Development Agenda. Advances in Civil Engineering 2021, 6665333, SCI
16.Wu, C. L., Luo, X., Wang, T. *, Wang, Y., & Sapkota, B., Safety challenges and improvement strategies of ethnic minority construction workers: a case study in Hong Kong. International Journal of Occupational Safety & Ergonomics , 2020, 26(1): 80-90, SCI一区
17.Wu, C. L., Li, N., Fang, D.*, Leadership improvement and its impact on workplace safety in construction projects: A conceptual model and action research, International Journal of Project Management, 2017.11, 35(8): 1495-1511, SSCI一区
18.Wu, C. L., Wang, F., Zou, Patrick X. W., Fang, D.*, How safety leadership works among owners, contractors and subcontractors in construction projects, International Journal of Project Management, 2016.7, 34(5): 789-805, SSCI一区
19.Wu, C. L., Fang, D.*, Li, N., Roles of owners' leadership in construction safety: The case of high-speed railway construction projects in China, International Journal of Project Management, 2015.11, 33(8): 1665-1679, SSCI一区
20.Wu, C. L., Song, X., Wang, T.*, Fang, D., Core Dimensions of the Construction Safety Climate for a Standardized Safety-Climate Measurement, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2015.8, 141(8): 04015018, SCI一区
21.Wu, C. L., Fang, D., Liao, P. *, Xue, J., Li, Y., Wang, T., Perception of corporate social responsibility: the case of Chinese international contractors, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 107: 185-194, SCI一区
22.Ju L, Zhao W, Wu, C. L. *, et al. Abusive supervisors and employee work-to-family conflict in Chinese construction projects: how does family support help?. Construction Management and Economics, 2020, 38(12): 1158-1178. EI/ABS 2星
23.Wu G, Li H, Wu, C. L. *, et al. How different strengths of ties impact project performance in megaprojects: the mediating role of trust[J]. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2020, 13 (4): 889-912, SSCI
24.Liao P, Wan Y, Tang P, Wu, C. L. *, et al. Applying crowdsourcing techniques in urban planning: A bibliometric analysis of research and practice prospects[J]. Cities, 2019, 94: 33-43, SSCI一区
25.Ning X, Qi J, Wu, C. L. *, et al. Reducing noise pollution by planning construction site layout via a multi-objective optimization model[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 222: 218-230, SCI一区
26.Feng K, Wang S, Wu, C. L. *, et al. Optimization of Concession Period for Public Private Partnership Toll Roads[J]. Engineering Economics, 2019, 30(1): 24-31, SCI
27.Wu X, Gao J, Li Y, Wu, C. L. *, et al. Development of A Safety Climate Scale for Geological Prospecting Projects in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(6): 1082, SCI一区
28.Liao, P., Liao, J., Wu, G., Wu, C. L. *, et al., Comparing international contractors' CSR communication patterns: A semantic analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 203, 353-366, SCI一区
29.Tong, R., Zhai, C., Jia, Q., Wu, C. L. *, Liu, Y., & Xue, S., An interactive model among potential human risk factors: 331 cases of coal mine roof accidents in china. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2018, 15(6), 1144, SCI
30.Ning X., Qi J., Wu, C. L. *, A quantitative safety risk assessment model for construction site layout planning, Safety Science, 2018, 104(1): 246-259, SCI一区
31.Ning X., Qi J., Wu, C. L.*, Wang Wenjuan, A tri-objective ant colony optimization based model for planning safe construction site layout, Automation in Construction, 2018, 89(1): 1-12, SCI一区
32.Xia, N., Wang, X., Griffin, Mark A., Wu, C. L.*, Liu, B., Do we see how they perceive risk? An integrated analysis of risk perception and its effect on workplace safety behavior, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017, 106: 234-242, SSCI一区、ABS 3星
33.Xia, N., Zhong, R., Wu, C. L.*, Wang, X., Wang, S., Assessment of Stakeholder-Related Risks in Construction Projects: Integrated Analyses of Risk Attributes and Stakeholder Influences, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017, 143(8): 04017030, SCI一区
34.Tong R., Yang X., Zhang H., Cheng, M., Wu, C. L.*, Probabilistic cancer risk of human intake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soil and dust via hand-to-mouth transfer, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2018, SCI
35.Wu, X., Yin, W., Wu, C. L.*, Li, Y., Development and Validation of a Safety Attitude Scale for Coal Miners in China, Sustainability, 2017, 9(12): 1-12, SCI
36.Wu, X., Yin, W., Wu, C. L.*, Luo, Xiaowei, The Spillover Effects on Employees' Life of Construction Enterprises' Safety Climate, Sustainability, 2017.11, 9(11): 1-12, SCI
37.Feng K., Wang S., Li N., Wu, C. L.*, Xiong Wei, Balancing Public and Private Interests through Optimization of Concession Agreement Design for User-pay PPP Projects, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2018, SCI
38.Liao, P., Shih, Y., Wu, C. L.*, Zhang, Xiao-Ling, Wang, Yue, Does corporate social performance pay back quickly? A longitudinal content analysis on international contractors, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 170: 1328-1337, SCI一区
39.Liao, P., Xia, N., Wu, C. L.*, Zhang, X., Yeh, J., Communicating the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of international contractors: Content analysis of CSR reporting, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 156: 327-336, SCI一区
40.Fang, D. *, Wu, C. L., Wu, H., Impact of the Supervisor on Worker Safety Behavior in Construction Projects, Journal of Management in Engineering, 2015.11, 31(6): 04015001, SCI一区
41.Tong R., Wu, C. L., Li Y., Fang D.*, An assessment model of owner safety management and its application to real estate projects, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 22(5): 1557-1571, SCI
42.Wang, X., Xia, N., Zhang, Z.*, Wu, C. L., Liu, B., Human Safety Risks and Their Interactions in China's Subways: Stakeholder Perspectives, Journal of Management in Engineering, 2017, 33(5): 05017004, SCI
43.周彪, 吴春林, 汪涛, 方东平, 建设项目员工责任心对安全行为的影响, 土木工程学报, 2018, 51(8): 89-95., EI
44.Lim H., Li N., Fang D.*, Wu, C. L., Impact of Safety Climate on Types of Safety Motivation and Performance: Multigroup Invariance Analysis, Journal of Management in Engineering, 2018, 34(3), SCI一区
45.Feng, K., Xiong, W., Wang, S.*, Wu, C. L., Xue, Y., Optimizing an Equity Capital Structure Model for Public-Private Partnership Projects Involved with Public Funds, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017.9, 143(9): 04017067, SCI一区
46.Yang, F., Li, X.*, Zhu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, C. L., Job burnout of construction project managers in China: A cross-sectional analysis, International Journal of Project Management, 2017.10, 35(7): 1272-1287, SSCI一区
47.Li, Lei*, Li, Mingyue, Wu, C. L., Production efficiency evaluation of energy companies based on the improved super-efficiency data envelopment analysis considering undesirable outputs, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 58(5-6): 1057-1067, SCI
48.Li, L.*, Wu, C. L., Li, Y., Xia, H., Wang, Y., System analysis for contractor prequalification based on P-DEA method, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM), Xiamen, China, 2010.10.29-2010.10.31
49.Wu, C. L.,Fang D.*,Wang F.,Xu M., Owner Role in Safety Performance Improvement: a Case Study of Chinese High-Speed Railway Construction, CIB W099 International Health and Safety Conference, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2014.06.02-2014.06.03
50.Fang D.*, Wu, C. L., Improving Site Safety through Leadership, The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2015), Busan, South Korea, 2015.10.11-2015.10.14
51.吴春林, 李磊, 周全, 建筑安全氛围对安全行为的作用机理——基于DEA方法, 天津大学学报(社会科学版), 2013.9.15, (05): 400-405
52.吴春林, 汪波, 殷红春, 建筑承包商品牌竞争力评价模型——基于网络层次分析法, 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2012.5, (03): 32-38
53.李磊, 李明月, 吴春林, 考虑环境因素的三阶段半参数效率评价模型与实证研究, 中国管理科学, 2012.4.15, (02): 107-113
54.吴春林, 王雪青, 刘炳胜, 建设项目环境绩效评价指标体系的构建, 工程管理学报, 2011.6.15, (03): 296-300
55.吴春林, 国际项目融资的外汇风险及其防范措施, 国际经济合作, 2010.12.20, (12): 47-52
56.吴春林, 郝博文.国际工程项目风险如何分配[J].施工企业管理,2012,07:113-114
57.吴春林, 郝博文.海外项目怎么栽了大跟头——以某境外高速公路项目为例[J].施工企业管理,2012,08:112-114.