2020年12月 - 今,北京航空航天大学经管学院,准聘副教授
2017年10月 - 2020年12月,北京航空航天大学经管学院,卓越百人博士后
2011年7月 - 2017年7月,北京航空航天大学计算机学院,硕博连读
发表论文(5篇一作,4篇通讯,其中3篇 CCF A,4篇CCF B)
1.Yuan Zuo, Guannan Liu, Hao Lin, Jia Guo, Xiaoqian Hu and Junjie Wu. Embedding Temporal Network via Neighborhood Formation. In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), 2018. (数据挖掘排名第一的会议, CCF A, Google学术引用38)
2.Yuan Zuo, Junjie Wu*, Hui Zhang, Deqing Wang and Ke Xu. Complementary Aspect-based Opinion Mining, In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 249-262, 2018. (数据挖掘排名第一的期刊, CCF A, SCI Q1, SCI IF:4.935, Google学术引用18)
3.Yuan Zuo, Junjie Wu*, Hui Zhang, Hao Lin, Fei Wang, Ke Xu and Hui Xiong. Topic Modeling of Short Texts: A Pseudo-Document View. In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), 2016. (数据挖掘排名第一的会议, CCF A, Google学术引用78)
4.YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu*. Word Network Topic Model: A Simple but General Solution for Short and Imbalanced Texts. In Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), vol. 48, pp. 378-398, 2016. (数据挖掘国际著名期刊, CCF B, SCI Q2, SCI IF:2.936, Google学术引用118)
5.YuanZuo, Junjie Wu*, Hui Zhang, Deqing Wang, Hao Lin, Fei Wang, and Ke Xu. Complementary Aspect-based Opinion Mining Across Asymmetric Collections. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2015. (数据挖掘排名第二的会议, CCF B)
6.Hanfei Wang, Yuan Zuo*, Hong Li, Junjie We. Cross-domain Recommendation with User Personality. Knowledge-Based Systems.(SCI Q1, SCI IF: 5.921)
7.Guannan Liu, Jia Guo and Yuan Zuo*. Fraud detection via behavioral sequence embedding. In Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), vol. 62, pp. 2685-2708, 2020. (数据挖掘国际著名期刊, CCF B, SCI Q2, SCI IF:2.936)
8.Hao Lin, Yuan Zuo*, Guannan Liu, Hong Li, Junejie Wu and Zhiang Wu. A Pseudo-Documentbased Topical N-grams Model for Short Texts. In World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ), 2020. (数据挖掘国际著名期刊, CCF B, SCI Q2, SCI IF:2.892)
9.Fei Wang, Rui Liu, Yuan Zuo* Hui Zhang, He Zhang and Junjie Wu. Robust Word-Network Topic Model for Short Texts, In Proceedings of ICTAI, 2016. (CCF C)
10.Xiaokang Qiu, Yuan Zuo* and Guannan Liu. ETCF: An Ensemble Model for CTR Prediction. In Proceedings of ICSSSM, 2018.
11.Hao Lin, Guannan Liu, Junjie Wu, Yuan Zuo, Xin Wan and Hong Li. Fraud Detection in Dynamic Interaction Network. In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).Accepted in 2020. (数据挖掘排名第一的期刊,CCF A)
12.Hao Lin, Hengshu Zhu, Junjie Wu, Yuan Zuo, Chen Zhu and Hui Xiong. Enhancing Employer Brand Evaluation with Collaborative Topic Regression Models. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). Accepted in 2020. (信息系统顶级期刊, CCF A)
13.Jia Guo, Guannan Liu, Yuan Zuo and Junjie Wu. Learning Sequential Behavior Representations for Fraud Detection. In Proceedings of ICDM, 2018. (数据挖掘排名第二的会议,CCF B)
14.Hao Lin, Hengshu Zhu, Yuan Zuo, Chen Zhu, Junjie Wu and Hui Xiong. Collaborative Company Profiling: Insights from an Employee’s Perspective, In Proceedings of AAAI, 2017. (人工智能顶级会议,CCF A)
15.Rui Liu, Xingguang Wang, Deqing Wang, Yuan Zuo, He Zhang and Xianzhu Zheng. Topic Splitting: A Hierarchical Topic Model Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. In J. Syst. Sci. Syst. Eng. 27, 479–496, 2018.
16.Jia Guo, Guannan Liu, Yuan Zuo and Junjie Wu. An Anomaly Detection Framework Based on Autoencoder and Nearest Neighbor. In Proceedings of ICSSSM, 2018.
17.Yong Chen, Hui Zhang, Yuan Zuo and Deqing Wang. An Improved Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing with L1/2 Regularization and Nonnegative Constraints. In Proceeding of CSE, 2013.
1. Yuan Zuo, Congrui Li, Hao Lin and Junjie Wu. Topic Modeling of Short Text: A Pseudo Document
View with Word Embedding Enhancement. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (数据挖掘排名第一的期刊, CCF A, SCI Q1, SCI IF:4.935)
1. Yuan Shi, Yuan Zuo* and Junjie Wu. Joint Entity and Relation Extraction: A Hierarchical Sequence Labeling Approach. Ready to submit to TKDE.
1.基于不同人格特征的文本观点挖掘方法, 申请号: 201910959523.1, 申请人: 北京航空航天大学, 发明人: 左源, 吴俊杰, 李文娟, 刘冠男, 袁石, 林浩, 张志豪, 李丰志.
2.融合文本信息的信用债发债主体违约风险评估方法,申请号:202010208514.1,申请人:北京航空航天大学,发明人:部慧, 张珏, 李晔林, 左源, 薛旭植, 吴俊杰.
3.基于 BERT 模型和 K 近邻的敏感信息识别方法及系统,申请号:202010269087.8,申请人:国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心、北京航空航天大学,发明人:赵忠华, 吴俊杰, 赵志云, 葛自发, 孙小宁, 张冰, 王欣欣, 李欣, 袁钟怡, 孙立远, 付培国, 王禄恒, 左源, 李丰志, 李英汉, 户中方.
4.面向微博用户的心理画像方法, 申请号: 201910375599.X, 申请人: 国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心、北京航空航天大学, 发明人: 赵忠华, 吴俊杰, 赵志云, 袁石, 王禄恒, 左源, 付培国, 万欣欣, 李欣, 王涵菲.
5.基于层次判别树的多标签科研论文的分类方法, 申请号: 201910881086.6, 申请人: 国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心, 发明人: 刘玮, 吴俊杰, 李超, 左源, 纪玉春, 袁石.
6.一种基于互补语料的短文本观点挖掘方法, 申请号:2016105597821, 申请人: 国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心, 发明人: 何跃鹰, 吴俊杰, 赵忠华, 董建武, 徐剑, 林浩, 左源. (已授权)
7.一种基于模糊聚类的图片检索方法, 申请号: CN201410472785.2, 申请人: 北京航空航天大学, 发明人: 刘瑞, 左源, 张辉.
8.一种基于异常处理的海量文本自动标注方法, 申请号: CN201410472856.9, 申请人: 北京航空航天大学, 发明人: 刘瑞, 左源, 王德庆.
9.基于表现语义分析的概念相关度计算方法, 申请号: CN201210125007.7, 申请人:北京航空航天大学, 发明人: 张辉, 马永星, 胡红萍, 左源.