杜文宇博士,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,信息系统系,副教授,博士生导师;经管学院案例中心副主任。擅长利用案例研究、行动设计研究等定性研究方法,关注数字化转型过程中技术与应用场景交互的管理问题。研究成果已经发表在管理、信息系统领域重要学术期刊,如《管理世界》,《Journal of Information Technology》《Information Systems Journal》《Journal of Strategic Information Systems》,《Information & Management》《International Journal of Information Management》《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》《MIS Quarterly Executive》,以及智库期刊《国家治理》。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,面上项目1项,专项项目子课题1项。
Du. W.Y., Pan, S.L. Wu, J.J.*(2020)“How do IT outsourcing vendors develop capabilities? An organizational ambidexterity perspective of a multi-case study”Journal of Information Technology (35:1), pp. 49–65
Du. W.Y., Pan, S.L. Xie, K., Xiao, J.H.* (2020) “Data analytics contributes to better decision-making beyond organizational boundaries”MISQ Executive(19:2),pp. 121-134
Du, W.Y., Wu, J.J., Liu, S.S., Hackney, R. (2019) “Effective organizational improvisation in information systems development: Insights from the Tencent messaging system development”Information & Management(56:4), pp.614-624
Du, W.Y., Pan, S.L., Leidner, D., Ying. W.C. (2019) “Affordances, experimentation and actualization of FinTech: A blockchain implementation study”Journalof Strategic Information Systems(28:1), pp.50-65
Li, M.W, Jia, S.L,Du, W.Y.*(2019) “Fans as a source of extended innovation capabilities: A case study of Xiaomi technology”International Journal of Information Management(44:1), pp. 204-208
Du, W.Y., Mao, J-Y (2018) “Developing and maintaining clients’ trust through institutional mechanisms in online service markets for digital entrepreneurs: A process model“Journal of Strategic Information Systems(27:4), pp. 296-310
Ying, W.C., Jia S.L.Du, W.Y.*(2018) “Digital enablement of blockchain technology: Empirical evidence from HNA Group”International Journal of Information Management(39:2), pp. 1-4
Du, W.Y., Pan, S.L. Zhou, N. Ouyang T. (2018) “From a marketplace of electronics to a digital entrepreneurial ecosystem (DEE): The emergence of a meta-organization in Zhongguancun, China”Information Systems Journal(28:6), pp. 1158-1175
Du, W.Y., Pan, S.L., and Huang, J.S. (2017) “How a latecomer company used IT to redeploy slack resources”MISQ Executive(15:3), pp. 195-213
Du, W.Y., and Pan, S.L. (2013) “Boundary spanning by design: Toward aligning boundary-spanning capacity and strategy in IT outsourcing.”IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(60:1), pp. 59-76.
Du, W.Y., Pan, S.L., and Zuo, M.Y. (2013) “How to balance sustainability and profitability in technology organizations: An ambidextrous perspective.”IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(60:2), pp. 366-385.