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1)Data/Web/Text Mining and Business Intelligence\2)供应链风险管理\3)社会化商务研究/电子商务系统研究\4)IT/IS吸收与扩散研究(行为学方法,NeuroIS)\5)基于Multi-Agents的信息系统开发\此外在群体智能的理论及其经济管理中的应用、人工免疫系统的理论与应用方面有所涉及。


1. 2017.1-2020.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 信息产品和服务的定价策略与实证研究. 项目获批号: 716710111。

2. 2014.1-2018.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,“大型复杂产品的运作管理”,研究主要成员,项目获批号:71332003。

3. 2014.2-2015.12. 国家自然科学基金委管理科学部“十三五”战略规划研究。

4. 2013.1-2016.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,“社会化商务中的消费者行为和定价策略研究”,项目主持人,项目批准号:71271012.

5. 2011.1-2013.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,“零售商风险规避的二元渠道协调机制研究”,项目主持人,项目批准号:71071006.

6. 2009.2-2010.12. 国家自然科学基金委管理科学部“十二五”战略规划研究。

7. 2009.1-2011.12,国家自然科学基金研究创新群体项目:基于行为的若干社会经济复杂系统建模与仿真。群体骨干成员(项目主持人:黄海军教授)。项目批准号:70521001。

8. 2007.1-2009.12,自然科学基金,“需求依赖价格情况下零售商风险规避的供应链协调研究”,项目主持人,已结题。项目批准号:70672020,

9. 2003-2005,经济管理学院董事会青年教师基金:退货策略在单周期产品中的作用。


11. 1994年10月-1997年10月,自然科学基金项目“群体决策支持系统GDSS与电子数据交换EDI的集研究”。参与者


1. 2009.10-2010.12,北京印钞公司MES信息系统项目实施。



代表性论文 (期刊)

[1].Cungen Zhu, Zhong Yao*. 2017. Comparison between the agency and wholesale modelunder the e-book duopoly market, Electronic Commerce Research. 2017, Vol. 15, 1-25. (SCI)

[2].Zhong Yao*, Xin Wang, Jing Luan. 2017,Using Hidden Markov Model to Predict the Web Users' Linkage, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 14 No. 3,554-565. (SCI)

[3].Jing Luan, Zhong Yao* and Yan Bai. 2017. How Social Ties Influence Consumer:Evidence from Event-Related Potentials. PLOS One,12(1):1-15. (SCI)

[4].周丹,姚忠*,窦一凡.2017. 社交网络营销时消费者预算约束对推荐奖励策略的影响研究, 管理科学学报(录用).

[5]Jing Luan, Zhong Yao*, FuTao Zhao, Hao Liu. 2016. Search product and experience product online reviews: An eye-trackingstudy on consumers' review search behavior.Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.65, 420-430. (SCI)

[6]FuTao Zhao, Zhong Yao*,Jing Luan,and Xin Song, 2016. A Novel Fused Optimization Algorithm of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Vol. 2016, Article ID 2167413, 10 pages. (SCI)

[7]Zhong Yao*, Xi Xu, and Jing Luan. 2016. Impact of the downside risk of retailer on the supply chain coordination. Computers & Industrial Engineering Vol. 102, No. 7: 340–350. (SCI)

[8]窦一凡,姚忠*. 2016.考虑信息不对称的电子市场动态契约设计. 中国管理科学, 第24卷,第7期, 137-144.冯娇, 姚忠. 2016. 基于社会学习理论的在线评论信息对购买决策影响研究,《中国管理科学》(已录用)

[9]Xu Xi, Yao Zhong. 2015. Understanding the role of argument quality in the adoption of online reviews: An empirical study integrating value-based decision and needs theory,Online Information Reviews. Vol. 39 No. 7. 885 – 902. (SSCI)

[10]Qing Sun, Yao Zhong 2015. Evolutionary Game Analysis of Competitive Information Dissemination on Social Networks: An Agent-Based Computational Approach, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015, Article ID 679726, 12 pages. (SCI)

[11]Bai Yan, Yao Zhong and Dou Yifan. 2015. Effect of social commerce factors on user purchase behavior:An empirical investigation from renren.com,International Journal of Information Management,Vol. 35, 538-550.(SSCI)

[12]Bai Yan, Yao Zhong , Cong Fenyu and Zhang Linlin. 2015. Event-related potentials elicited by social commerce and electronic-commerce reviews,Cognitive Neurodynamics,Vol. 9, No. 4, 1-10. (SCI)

[13]Luan Jin, Yao Zhong . 2015. Research on P System with Chain Structure and Application and Simulation in Arithmetic Operation,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,Volume 2015, Article ID 123960, 11 pages. (SCI)

[14]张霖霖,姚忠,2015.基于顾客退货的风险规避型双渠道供应链最优策略研究,《计算机集成制造系统》,Vol. 21, No. 3, 765-775.

[15]冯娇,姚忠,2015. 基于强弱关系理论的社会化商务购买意愿影响因素研究.《管理评论》,27(12): 99-109.

[16]Zhang Linlin, Yao Zhong. 2014. Decision Making for a Risk-Averse Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Customer Returns. In Decision Support Systems III –Impact of Decision Support Systems for Global Environments, LNBS, 184, 118-130. (EI indexed)

[17]Yao Zhong., Feng J. and Chen M-Z. 2014. Effectiveness of Returns Policies on Supply Chain Performance Under Price-dependent Demand with Dominated Retailer, Asian Pacific Journal of Industrial Management, 2014, 4(1):39-46.. (EI indexed)

[18]张霖霖,姚忠,2013.考虑顾客退货时在线企业的定价与订货策略,《管理科学学报》,Vol.16 No. 6,10-21.

[19]Xi Meng-Hao, Feng Ye, Zhong Yao and?Qiu-Hong Zhao. 2013. A Modified P-median Model for the Emergency Facilities Location Problem and its Variable Neighbourhood Search Based Algorithm. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol.2013, Article?ID?375657.

[20]王丽梅, 姚忠, 刘鲁, 2012. 基于需求价格相关商品的双源采购策略,《计算机集成制造系统》,Vol. 18, No.2, 396-404.

[21]Yao Z., Wang L-M, Wang X. 2012. Retailer Dominated Supply Chain Coordination with Supplier’s Fairness Preference. Asian Pacific Journal of Industrial Management, 2012, 3(1):12-20.

[22]王丽梅, 姚忠, 刘鲁,2012, 现货市场供应不确定下的优化采购策略研究, 《管理科学学报》,Vol.14, No. 4, 24-35。

[23]Yao Zhong, K. Liu, Stephen Leung and K. K. Lai, 2011.?Single Period Stochastic Inventory Problems with Ordering or Returning Policies.Computer & Industrial Engineering,61(2): 242-253. (SCI)

[23]Yao Zhong, J. Liu, and Z. -J. Wu. 2009. An Integrated Optimization Algorithm of GA and ACA-Based Approach for Modeling Virtual Enterprise Partner Selection. Database for Advances in?Information System.?40(1): 37-56. (SCI).

[24]Yao Zhong, Stephen C.H. Leung and K. K. Lai. 2009. Using returns policy to improve the supply chain performance under retailer’s competition with price-dependent demand.?Journal of Operations and Logistics, Vol. 2, No. 4., II.1-II.9.

[25]Yao Zhong, Stephen C.H. Leung and K. K. Lai. 2008. Manufacturer’s revenue sharing contract and retail competition, European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 186, No. 3,637-651.

[26]Yao Zhong, Stephen Leung and K.K. Lai. 2008.?Analysis of the impact of price-sensitivity factors on the returns policy in coordinate supply chain,? European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 187, No. 2,275-282.

[27]Yao Zhong, Stephen Leung and K. K. Lai. 2008.?The effectiveness of revenue-sharing contract to coordinate the price-setting newsvendor products’ supply chain, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,?Vol.13, No. 4, 263-271.

[28]Xiaoge Meng, Zhong Yao, Jiajia Nie, Yingxue Zhao*. Low-carbon product selection with carbon tax and competition: Effects of the power structure .International Journal of Production Economics, 2018,forth coming.

[29]Jing Luan, Zhong Yao,Context congruity effects of online product recommendations: An eye-tracking study. Online Information Review,2018, Forth coming.

[30]Xiaoge Meng, Zhong Yao*, Jiajia Nie, Yingxue Zhao. Make or buy? It is the question: A study in the presence of carbon tax. International Journal of Production Economics, 2018,195,328–337.

[31]Biao Xu, Zhong Yao* and Pengfei Tang, Pricing strategies for information products with network effects and complementary services in a duopolistic market.International Journal of Production Research, 2018,1-21.

[32]Hao Liu, Zhong Yao*, The research on recycling management model of medical waste base on FRID technology.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(8):5069-5081.

[33]Hao Liu, Zhong Yao*, The research on the reverse logistics management of medical waste based on the FRID technology. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(12):8084-8092.

[34]姚忠, 2008.?零售商下游风险约束下的退货合同在单周期供应链中的协调性分析, 《管理科学学报》,?Vol. 11, No. 3, 96-105.

[35]姚忠, 吴跃, 常娜, 2008.基于项目的协同过滤推荐算法中集成语境信息的研究。《计算机集成制造系统》,? Vol. 14, No. 7, 1149-1456.

[36]姚忠,魏佳,吴跃,? 2008. 基于高维稀疏矩阵的协同过滤推荐算法。《信息系统学报》, Vol. 2, No. 2, 78-96.

[37]Yao Zhong, and Yonggui Wang, 2007. Using revenue-sharing contract to improve the supply chain performance under retailers’ competition.Asia-Pacific Journal of Industrial Management. Vol. 1, No. 1, 49-53

[38]Yao Zhong, Y. Wu, K K Lai, 2005. Demand Uncertainty and Manufacturer Returns Policies for the Style-good Retailing Competition, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 16, NO. 7, 691-700.

[39]姚忠,2003. 退货策略的在单周期产品供应链管理中作用, 《系统工程理论与实践》,Vol. 12, No. 6, 69-73.







黄海军,刘作仪,姚忠等,2016. 管理科学与工程学科“十三五”发展战略与优先资助领域研究报告,科学出版社,北京。