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同凡,北航经管学院副教授、硕士生导师。致力于解决能源系统可持续性转型过程中的关键经济、管理与政策问题,如能源-健康-气候耦合模型、能源系统环境外部性评价、零碳能源系统设计、颠覆性能源技术前瞻性综合评估。在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室工作期间,曾主持美国能源部竞争性研究项目两项,并多次在美国能源部、美国交通部、加州能源委员会等机构和决策者交流研究成果。回国后,作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划项目“应对全球变化的可持续性转型模式”和教育部首批哲学社会科学实验室(培育)“低碳治理与政策智能实验室”。在国内外重要学术期刊发表期刊论文10余篇,相关研究成果发表在 Joule(Cell子刊, 影响因子 41.248)、Applied Energy、Environmental Science Technology、iScience(Cell子刊)、Energy Policy、Environmental Research Letters等国际知名刊物上。担任3 份国际学术期刊客座主编,担任Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)等近30份国际学术期刊审稿人,多次担任国际学术会议(国际能源经济学会IAEE、美国能源经济学会USAEE、国际产业生态学会ISIE、国际可持续技术与系统论坛ISSST)分会召集人和墙报评委。




2006/08-2010/07 清华大学 电子工程系 本科

2012/07-2016/09 美国卡耐基梅隆大学 工程与公共政策系 硕士、博士


2021/08- 至今 北京航空航天大学 经济管理学院 副教授

2021/01-2021/12 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 能源分析与环境影像 兼职研究员(affiliate)

2019/02-2020/12 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 能源分析与环境影像部 项目科学家 (全职, 独立PI资格)

2017/08-2019/01 美国斯坦福大学/卡内基科学研究所 全球生态系 博士后

2016/10-2017/06 美国卡耐基梅隆大学 工程与公共政策系 博士后

2010/05-2012/06 国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所 研究助理

2009/07-2009/09 EMC中国有限公司 暑期实习生








1. 科学技术部 国家重点研发计划“应对全球变化的可持续性转型模式研究”(项目负责人:范英),2020 年11 月-2025 年10 月,研究骨干

2. 教育部 首批哲学社会科学实验室(培育)“低碳治理与政策智能实验室” (项目负责人:范英),2022-2026年,研究骨干

3. 美国能源部“Standardized and transparent modeling of electrification opportunities for new mobility services and heavy-duty freight using the grid-integrated electric mobility model”,2019 年10 月-2022 年9 月,研究负责人(离职后交接)。

4. 美国能源部“Opportunities to reduce energy storage costs through technology learning, storage deployment in vehicle and stationary markets, and advanced manufacturing”,2020 年8月-2022 年3 月,研究负责人(离职后交接)。


(1) Fan Tong; Paulina Jaramillo; Inês M. L. Azevedo ; Comparison of life cycle greenhouse gasesfrom natural gas pathways for light duty vehicles, Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29: 6008-6018

(2) Fan Tong; Paulina Jaramillo; Inês M. L. Azevedo ; Comparison of life cycle greenhouse gasesfrom natural gas pathways for medium and heavy-duty vehicles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(12): 7123-7133 (期刊论文)

(3) Fan Tong; Mengyao Yuan; Nathan S. Lewis; Steven J. Davis; Ken Caldeira ; Effects of deep reductions in energy storage costs on highly reliable wind and solar electricity systems, iScience, 2020, 23

(4) Fan Tong; Ines M L Azevedo ; What are the best combinations of fuel-vehicle technologies to mitigate climate change and air pollution effects across the United States?, Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(7)

(5) Tong, Fan; Jenn, Alan; Wolfson, Derek; Scown, Corinne D.; Auffhammer, Maximilian; Health and Climate Impacts from Long-Haul Truck Electrification, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(13): 8514-8523

(6) Fan Tong; Chris Hendrickson; Allen Biehler; Paulina Jaramillo; Stephanie Seki ; Life cycle ownership cost and environmental externality of alternative fuel options for transit buses, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 57: 287-302

(7) Fan Tong; Ines Azevedo; Paulina Jaramillo ; Economic viability of a natural gas refueling infrastructure for long-haul trucks, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2018, 25(1)

(8) Fan Tong; Derek Wolfson; Alan Jenn; Corinne Scown; Maximilian Auffhammer ; Energy consumption and charging load profiles from long-haul truck electrification, Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability, 2021, 1(2021): 0-025007

(9) Jacqueline A. Dowling; Katherine Z. Rinaldi; Tyler H. Ruggles; Steven J. Davis; Mengyao Yuan; Fan Tong; Nathan S. Lewis; Ken Caldeira ; Role of long-duration energy storage in variable renewable electricity systems, Joule, 2020, 4: 1-22

(10) Mengyao Yuan; Fan Tong; Lei Duan; Jacqueline A. Dowling; Steven J. Davis; Nathan S. Lewis; Ken Caldeira ; Would firm generators facilitate or deter variable renewable energy in a carbon-free electricity system?, Applied Energy, 2020, 279

(11) Yue Qin; Ryan Edwards; Fan Tong; Denise L. Mauzerall ; Can switching from coal to shale gas bring net carbon reductions to China?, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(5): 2554-2562

(12) Yue Qin; Fan Tong; Guang Yang; Denise L. Mauzerall ; Challenges of using natural gas as a carbon mitigation option in China, Energy Policy, 2018, 117: 457-462

(13) Chunyan Wang; Ranran Wang; Edgar Hertwich; Yi Liu; Fan Tong ; Water scarcity risks mitigated or aggravated by the inter-regional electricity transmission across China, Applied Energy, 2019, 238: 413-422

(14) Nathaniel Gilbraith; Paulina Jaramillo; Fan Tong; Felipe Faria ; Comments on Jacobson et al.'s proposal for a wind, water, and solar energy future in New York State, Energy Policy, 2013, 60: 68-69

(15) 杨玉峰、同凡,应警惕科学光环下的利益偏向——评国际能源署1993-2011 年《世界能源展望》,《宏观经济研究》2012 年第4 期,第3-13,59页。

(16) 孙竹、冯连勇、同凡、杨树黛,国内外能源经管类专业培养方案比较研究.《高等工程教育研究》2017 年第5 期,第130-134 页。


Stanford University, Rising Environmental Leaders Program (RELP) Scholar,2018

Carnegie Mellon University, Second Prize Student Poster, Carnegie Mellon University Energy Week, 2017

Carnegie Mellon University, Ji-Dian Liang Fellowship, 2016

Carnegie Mellon University, Northrop Grumman Fellowship, 2013-14

Carnegie Mellon University, Steinbrenner Institute Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013-14



担任Frontiers in Energy Research, Regional Environmental Change,Energy Sources, Part B等3 份国际学术期刊的客座主编


担任Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, iScience, One Earth, Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Applied Energy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Energy Policy, Energy Strategy Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment 等近30 份国际学术期刊匿名审稿人
