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  • 2006/09-2011/07,中国科学技术大学,管理学博士(与中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所联合培养硕博连读研究生),导师为范英研究员

  • 2002/09-2006/07,华东理工大学,管理学学士


  • 工作经历

  • 2020/09-至今,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,教授

  • 2015/12-2020/09,北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,副教授

  • 2015/02-2015/12,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,副研究员

  • 2011/07-2015/01,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,助理研究员

  • 国际访问经历

  • 2017/03-2017/06获批“香港特别行政区政府输入内地人才计划”,应邀赴香港中文大学开展光伏技术发展评价合作研究

  • 2015/01-2015/02应邀作为访问学者访问新加坡国立大学能源研究所,并作为专家参与‘China’s Regional Diversities in Energy Use and Carbon Emission’项目研究,主要负责能源投资评价和技术评估

  • 2012/03-2012/04获全额资助赴瑞典参加哥德堡大学经济系“Environmental Policy Instruments course study”(环境政策建模)课程学习(世界范围内共12位博士受此资助)。通过课程考核获得7.5个欧洲博士学位学分

  • 2009/07-2009/08获全额资助赴澳大利亚参加了由国际能源署(IEA)举办的“IEA GHG International CCS Summer School”(碳捕获与封存暑期学校)

  • 国际交流经历

  • 2018/04/27-2018/04/28应香港中文大学香港亚太研究所(HKIAPS)邀请赴香港参加全球可持续发展和一带一路国际学术研讨会并做报告

  • 2016/11/10-2016/11/11应新加坡国立大学能源研究所(NUS-ESI)邀请赴新加坡参加新加坡-中国能源论坛并做报告

  • 2015/11/13-2015/11/14应日本国立环境研究所(NIES)邀请赴日本参加第21届AIM国际研讨会并做报告

  • 2015/11/27应东亚与东盟经济研究所(EIRA)邀请赴印尼参加东盟与东亚经济研究所(ERIA)工作组会议


    • 2019年第十六届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖指导教师

    • 2017年 重庆市科技进步奖二等奖(排名第七)

    • 2016年 入选北京航空航天大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”

    • 2016年 国家能源局能源软科学研究优秀成果二等奖(排名第五)

    • 2015年 被推荐为2016年中国科学院青年创新促进会会员

    • 2010年 中国科学院院长优秀奖

    • 2015年 《中国管理科学》最具影响力论文奖

    • 2015年,2017年 全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师奖

    • 2011年 中国科学技术大学优秀博士毕业生

    • 2009年 中国科学技术大学光华奖学金

    • 2006年 华东理工大学优秀毕业生


    • 设计开发的“碳交易市场仿真系统”被应用到重庆市碳排放交易试点的实践中

    • 开发的“考虑价格因素的电厂运营效率评价及优化方法”被应用到发电企业的经营决策中

    • 建立的“碳捕获与封存(CCS)全流程项目核算方法”被应用到国内3个大规模CCS示范项目预可研分析报告中(天津IGCC、浙江玉环、胜利油田电厂)


    • 碳排放交易仿真系统,授权号:2016SR287086,国家软件著作权,授权日期2016年10月,第二完成人。

    • 全球能源监测预警与政策分析系统,授权号:2011SR075793,国家软件著作权,授权日期2011年10月,第四完成人。

    • 国外矿产资源开发利用风险管理系统,授权号:2011SR037332,国家软件著作权,授权日期2011年6月,第八完成人。

    • 全球能源查询与监测分析系统,授权号:2011SR002771,国家软件著作权,授权日期2011年1月,第五完成人。


    • 主持的科研项目

    1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 71673019).不确定条件下低碳能源技术策略性投资评价模型与应用研究. 2017.01-2020.12. 49万元.在研.项目主持人.

    2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 71273253).不确定条件下低碳能源技术投资综合评价模型理论与应用. 2013.01-2016.12. 54万元.已结题(结题评价为“优秀”).项目主持人.

    3.国家社课基金重大项目(18ZDA106).完善我国碳排放交易制度研究 子课题-我国碳排放交易制度相关影响机制研究. 2018.11-2022.12. 20万元.在研.参与,子课题负责人.

    4.国家重点研发计划“大气污染成因与控制技术研究” 专项(2018YFC0213602).基于星地一体化多元数据的大气污染跨区域传输与经济关联研究 子课题-多尺度大气环境质量综合评价研究. 2018.11-2022.12. 40万元.在研.参与,子课题负责人.

    5.国家自然科学基金重大项目课题(No. 71690245).能源体系变革的规律与驱动机制研究 子课题-促进绿色低碳能源技术大规模利用的市场化机制和政策设计. 2017.01-2021.12. 30万元.在研.参与,子课题负责人.

    6.国家自然科学基金重大国际合作与交流项目(No. 71210005).我国统一碳市场建立的条件、机制设计与社会经济影响分析 专题-碳市场条件下的企业竞争行为研究. 2013.01-2017.12. 30万元(专题经费).已结题.参与,专题负责人.

    7.国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题(No. 71133005).面向全球资源的石油资源经济安全管理理论与实证研究 子课题-海外石油投资和资源优化配置理论与实证研究. 2012.01-2016.12. 30万元(子课题经费).已结题.参与,子课题负责人.

    8.北航“青年拔尖人才支持计划”项目.能源投资评价建模与相关政策研究. 2016.01-2019.12. 100万元.在研.项目主持人.

    9.美国环保学会北京代表处委托项目.碳市场对电力行业减排的综合分析模型构建. 2017.06-2018.06. 20万元.已结题.项目负责人.

    10.中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所重点学科方向项目.能源安全战略管理 专题-国内外能源资源组合优化策略研究. 20万元(专题经费).在研.专题负责人.2012.01-2016.12.

    11.中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所重点学科方向项目.全球石油资源利用的风险管理与优化战略研究 专题-存在多种风险的海外石油资源投资评价方法. 20万元(专题经费).在研.专题负责人.2012.01-2016.12.

    12.世界银行委托咨询项目(ED58547).Consulting Services on Trading Schemes for Energy Savings and Carbon Reduction in China. 4200美金.已结题.项目负责人.2013.04-2013.06.

    13.中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所青年基金项目.不确定条件下低碳能源技术投资评价研究. 2万元.已结题.项目主持人.2012.01-2013.12.

    • 作为骨干成员参与的科研项目

    14.中国-欧盟煤炭利用近零排放项目(China-EU Near Zero Emission Coal Cooperation, NZEC).NZEC二期示范项目成本核算与融资机制分析. 50万元.已结题.课题第二负责人和骨干成员.2014.01-2015.01.

    15.国土资源部国土资源战略研究重点实验室开放课题(KF201301).转变经济发展方式对能源利用的影响与调控对策研究. 30万元.已结题.课题第二负责人和骨干成员. 2013.04-2014.03.

    16.Gretchen: Subtask 3.2.; Request from Fraunhofer ISI.PV‐Industry and Policy in China. 1.2万欧元.已结题.课题第二负责人和骨干成员.2013.3-2014.12.

    17.中国科学院重要方向性项目.全球能源监测预警与政策分析系统. 130万元.已结题.骨干成员.2009.08-2013.09.

    18.国家杰出青年科学基金(No.70825001).能源-环境-经济复杂系统中的预测理论方法与应用. 140万元.已结题.骨干成员.2009.01-2012.12.

    19.The 7th European Commission Framework Programme.Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage. 3.2万欧元.已结题 骨干成员.2008.01-2009.12.

    20.国家能源办项目.国家能源投融资重大问题研究. 80万元.已结题.骨干成员.2006.01-2008.12.


    • 2021年,应邀在中国环境科学学会气候投融资专业委员会组织的《气候投融资全球征文学术沙龙》上,做“CCUS技术分析以及碳中和背景下的技术定位”专题报告

    • 2020年,应邀在厦门大学和《中国社会科学》编辑部共同举办的《第七届中国能源和环境经济前沿圆桌论坛》上,做“Dispatching the Retired Battery for Distributed Solar Photovoltaic in China”的特邀报告

    • 2020年,应邀在《中国系统工程学会第21届学术年会能源资源系统工程分会场》做特邀报告

    • 2018年,在《第六届国际能源经济学会亚洲大会(IAEE Asia 2018)》,应邀做了题为‘Energy Investment and Technology Evaluation’的大会报告

    • 2018年,全球可持续发展和一带一路国际学术研讨会,应邀作为Panelist分析CCS技术在“绿色一带一路”国际合作中的作用

    • 2017年,第二届全球运筹与运作管理可持续发展理论与应用会议(GCTAOS2017),应邀做了题为‘Energy Investment and Technology Evaluation’的大会报告

    • 2016年,绿色低碳发展智库伙伴2016研讨会,应邀在主题为‘能源环境经济系统分析’的圆桌对话上做报告

    • 2016年,新加坡-中国能源论坛,应邀做了题为‘LowCarbonInnovation’报告

    • 2015年,第21届AIM国际研讨会,应邀做了题为‘Climate Policy Evaluation in China’报告

    • 2015年,第一届ERIA能源补贴移除的策略与影响工作组会议,应邀做了‘能源补贴移除对中国工业部门影响’报告

    • 2014年,第三届中国能源与资源“6+2”经济管理论坛,应邀做了题为‘碳捕获与封存技术在中国的减排潜力评价——基于综合评估模型的分析’的大会报告

    • 2013年,第26届能源系统国际会议(ECOS 2013),应邀在主题为“Towards Clean Coal”的专家组研讨会上作了题为“CCS Policy Review and Investment Evaluation”的大会报告


    • 《气候变化研究进展》青年编委

    • 国际能源经济学会(IAEE)亚洲与太平洋地区常务理事

    • 中国科学院大学岗位教授

    • 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会低碳发展管理专业委员会常务理事

    • 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员会委员

    • 东盟与东亚经济研究所(ERIA)东亚地区能源补贴研究工作组成员

    • 第四届国际能源经济学会亚洲大会(The 4thIAEE Asian Conference)学术委员会委员,同时担任研究生优秀论文奖评委

    • 兼任Energy EconomicsInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control等5份国际学术期刊的客座主编

    • The Energy Journal,Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Applied Energy,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Computers & Industrial Engineering等SSCI/SCI学术期刊论文评审人


    1.Lei Zhu, Xu Wang, and Dayong Zhang. 2020. Identifying Strategic Traders in China's Pilot Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme. The Energy Journal, 41(2): 123-142.

    2.Lei Zhu, Xing Yao, Xian Zhang. 2019. Evaluation of cooperative mitigation: case study of captured carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 25(7): 1261-1285.

    3.Lei Zhu, Yuan Xu, Yingjie Pan. 2019. Enabled comparative advantage strategy in China's solar PV development. Energy Policy, 133: Article 110880.

    4.Lei Zhu, Linju Chen, Xueying Yu, Ying Fan. 2018.Buying green or producing green? Heterogeneous emitters’ strategic choices under a phased emission-trading scheme. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 136: 223-237.

    5.Lei Zhu, Pan Peng, Xin Wang, Ying Fan. 2017.Exploring optimal mitigation and adaptation investment strategy in China. Climate Policy,18(6):781-793.

    6.Lei Zhu, Xiao-Bing Zhang, Yuan Li, Xu Wang, Jianxin Guo. 2017.Can anEmission Trading Scheme Promote the Withdrawal of Outdated Capacity inEnergy-Intensive Sectors? A Case Study on China’s Iron and Steel Industry. Energy Economics,63:Pages 332-347.

    7.Lei Zhu, Zhongxiang Zhang, Ying Fan. 2015. Overseas oil investment projects under uncertainty: how to make informed decisions? Journal of Policy Modeling, 37:742-762..

    8.Lei Zhu, Xin Liu. 2015. Promoting the Carbon Removal in Coal Utilization- A Benefit-Risk Analysis Among Full-Chain Carbon Capture and Utilization Project. Energy & Environment, 26(6&7): 1035-1053..

    9.Lei Zhu, Hong-Bo Duan, Ying Fan. 2015. CO2 mitigation potential of CCS in China - an evaluation based on an integrated assessment model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103:934-947.

    10.Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2013. Modelling the Investment in Carbon Capture Retrofits of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants. Energy, 57(8): 66-75.

    11.Lei Zhu. 2012. A simulation based real options approach for the investment evaluation of nuclear power. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63(3): 585-593.

    12.Lei Zhu, Xiao-Bing Zhang and Ying Fan. 2012. A Non-Linear Model for Estimating the Cost of Achieving Emission Reduction Targets: the Case of the US, China and India. Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 21(3): 297-315.

    13.Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2011. A real options based CCS investment evaluation model: case study of China’s power generation sector. Applied Energy. 88(12): 4320-4333.

    14.Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2010. Optimization of China s Generating Portfolio and Policy Implications Based on Portfolio Theory. Energy, 35: 1391-1402.

    15.Yao, X., Fan, Y.,Zhu, L.*, Zhang, X. 2020. Optimization of dynamic incentive for the deployment of carbon dioxide removal technology: A nonlinear dynamic approach combined with real options. Energy Economics, 86: 104463.

    16.Xing Yao, Bowen Yi, Yang Yu, Ying Fan,Lei Zhu*. 2020.Economic analysis of grid integration of variable solar and wind power with conventional power system.Applied Energy,Volume 26415 April 2020Article 114706

    17.Yuan Li, Beixing Wang, Yanli Xie,Lei Zhu*. 2020.Cost and potential for CO2 emissions reduction in China’s petroleum refining sector—A bottom up analysis.Energy Reports,6:497-506.

    18.Li, L., Liu, J.,Zhu, L*. 2020. Dynamics of energy technology diffusion under uncertainty. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 36(5): 795-808.

    19.Lei Zhu, Lianbiao Cui,Joachim Schleich. 2020.Designing a globally acceptable carbon tax scheme to address competitiveness and leakage concerns.Climate Change Economics, 11(2), 2050008.

    20.Songmin Yu, Ying Fan,Lei Zhu*,Wolfgang Eichhammer.Modeling the Emission Trading Scheme from an Agent-based Perspective: System Dynamics Emerging from Firms' Coordination among Abatement Options.European Journal of Operational Research, 286: 1113-1128.

    21.Xinyuan Ren,Lei Zhu. 2020. Influence of allowance allocation events on prices in China’s carbon market pilots– an AR-GARCH-based analysis. Energy Sources Part B Economics Planning and Policy, 15(3):1-15.

    22.Xinyuan Ren, Dayong Zhang*,Lei Zhu*, Liyan Han. 2020 How do carbon prices react to regulatory announcements in China? A genetic algorithm with overlapping events. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277: 122644.

    23.JunXie, Zhuang Liang, Xiaobing Zhang,Lei Zhu*. 2019. Efficiency evaluation of thermal power plants in China based on the weighted Russell directional distance method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222(10): 573-583.

    24.Xu Wang, Xiao-Bing Zhang,Lei Zhu*. 2019. Imperfect market, emissions trading scheme, and technology adoption: A case study of an energy-intensive sector. Energy Economics, 81: 142-158.

    25.Kangjuan Lv, Xia Feng, Scott Kelly,Lei Zhu*, Maozhi Deng*. 2019. A study on embodied carbon transfer at the provincial level of China from a social network perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225(10): 1089-1104.

    26.Pan Peng, Xinyuan Ren,Lei Zhu*, Ying Fan, Tavoni Massimo. 2019. A Comparison of Two Approaches for Damage Evaluation on Optimal Mitigation and Adaptation Responses in China. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 32: 1641–1658.

    27.Xing Yao, Ying Fan, Yuan Xu, Xian Zhang,Lei Zhu*, Lianyong Feng. 2019. Is it worth to invest? -An evaluation of CTL-CCS project in China based on real options. Energy, 182(1): 920-931.

    28.Li Li, Junqi Liu,Lei Zhu*, Xiao-Bing Zhang. 2020. How to design a dynamic feed-in tariffs mechanism for renewables – a real options approach. International Journal of Production Research, Accepted. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1652776

    29.Bingxin Zeng,Lei Zhu*, Xing Yao. 2020. Policy choice for end-of-pipe abatement technology adoption under technological uncertainty. Economic Modelling,87:121-130.

    30.Bingxin Zeng,Lei Zhu*.2019.Market Power and Technology Diffusion in an Energy-Intensive Sector Covered by an Emissions Trading Scheme. Sustainability, 11, 3870

    31.Bingxin Zeng, Jun Xie, Xiaobing Zhang, Yang Yu*,Lei Zhu*. 2019. The impacts of emission trading scheme on China’s thermal power industry: A pre-evaluation from the microlevel.Energy & Environment, 31(6): 1007-1030.

    32.Yingjie Pan, Xing Yao, Xin Wang*,Lei Zhu*. 2019. Policy Uncertainties: What Investment Choice for Solar Panel Producers. Energy Economics,78:454-467.

    33.Xing Yao, Ping Zhong, Xian Zhang*,Lei Zhu*. 2018. Business model design for the carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) project in China. Energy Policy, 121: 519-533

    34.Xu Wang,Lei Zhu*, Ying Fan. 2018. Transaction costs, market structure and efficient coverage of emissions trading scheme: A microlevel study from the pilots in China.AppliedEnergy, 220(15): 657-671

    35.Xin Liu, Yuan Li, Dayong Zhang*,Lei Zhu*. 2018.On the Effectiveness of the Abatement Policy Mix: A CaseStudy of China’s Energy-Intensive Sectors. Energies,11(3): 1-31

    36.Pan Peng,Lei Zhu*, Ying Fan. 2017.Performance Evaluation of Climate Policies in China: A Study Based on an Integrated Assessment Model. Journal of Cleaner Production,164:1068-1080.

    37.Songmin Yu,Lei Zhu*. 2017.Impact of Firms’ Observation Network on theCarbon Market. Energies, 10(8): 1-14.

    38.Xiaobing Zhang,Lei Zhu*. 2017.Strategic Carbon Taxation and Energy Pricing under the Threat of Climate Tipping Events. Economic Modeling,60:352-363..

    39.Hongbo Duan,Lei Zhu*, Gurkan Kumbaroglu,Ying Fan. 2016.Regional Opportunities for China to Go Low-Carbon: Resultsfrom the REEC Model. The Energy Journal,37(SI1): 223-252.

    40.Jianxin Guo,Lei Zhu*.2016.Optimal timing of technology adoption under the changeable abatement coefficient through R&D. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 96: 216-226

    41.Lian-Biao Cui, Pan Peng,Lei Zhu*. 2015. Embodied Energy, Export Policy Adjustment and China's Sustainable Development: A Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis. Energy, 82(3):457-467.

    42.Yuan Li,Lei Zhu*. 2014. Cost of energy saving and CO2 emissions reductions in China’s iron and steel sector. Applied Energy, 130: 603-616.

    43.Hong-Bo Duan,Lei Zhu*, Ying Fan. 2014. Optimal carbon taxes in carbon constrained China: A logistic-induced energy economic hybrid model. Energy, 69(5): 345-356.

    44.Jian-Lei Mo,Lei Zhu*. 2014. Using Floor Price Mechanisms to Promote CCS Investment and CO2 Abatement. Energy and Environment, 25(3&4): 687-707..

    45.Chang-Sheng Li,Lei Zhu*, Tobias Fleiter. 2014. Energy Efficiency in Shandong Chlor-Alkali sector in China –Based on a Process-Specific Technology Assessment of Saving Potentials. Energy and Environment, 25(3&4): 661-686..

    46.Handong He, Di Hu, Qun Sun,Lei Zhu, Yanrong Liu. 2019. A landslide susceptibility assessment method based on GIS technology and an AHP-weighted information content method: a case study of southern Anhui, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(6), 266.

    47.Lianbiao Cui, Rongjing Li, Malin Song,Lei Zhu. 2019. Can China achieve its 2030 energy development targets by fulfilling carbon intensity reduction commitments? Energy Economics, 83: 61-73.

    48.Lianbiao Cui, Yi Sun, Malin Song,Lei Zhu. 2019. Co-financing in the green climate fund: lessons from the global environment facility. Climate Policy, In press.

    49.Lianbiao Cui, Malin Song,Lei Zhu.2019. Economic evaluation of the trilateral FTA among China, Japan, and South Korea with big data analytics. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 128: 1040-1051.

    50.Jian-Xin Guo,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2016. Emission path planning based on dynamic abatement cost curve. European Journal of Operational Research,255(3):996-1013.

    51.Changsheng Li, Ying Fan,Lei Zhu. 2016.The Emission Taxes RefundingScheme Based on Output Subsidies with an Exogenous Abatement Target, Emerging MarketsFinance and Trade, 52:6, 1385-1394..

    52.Hong-Bo Duan, Gu-Peng Zhang,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan, Shou-Yang Wang. 2016. How will diffusion of PV solar contribute to China's emissions peaking and climate responses? Renewable energy and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53(1):1076-1085.(SCI)

    53.Hong-Bo Duan,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2015. Modelling the evolutionary paths of multiple carbon-free energy technologies with policy incentives. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 20(1): 55-69.

    54.Jian-Lei Mo, Joachim Schleich,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2015. Delaying the introduction of emissions trading systems – Implications for power plant investment and operation from a multi-stage decision model. Energy economics, 52:255-264..

    55.Lian-Biao Cui,Lei Zhu, Marco Springmann, Ying Fan. 2014. Design and Analysis of the Green Climate Fund. Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 23(3): 266-299.

    56.Lian-Biao Cui, Ying Fan,Lei Zhu, Qing-Hua Bi. 2014. How Will the Emissions Trading Scheme Save Cost for Achieving China’s 2020 Carbon Intensity Reduction Target?. Applied Energy,136(12): 1043-1052.

    57.Hong-Bo Duan,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2014. A cross-country study on the relationship between diffusion of wind and photovoltaic solar technology. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 83(3): 156-169..

    58.Lin-Ju Chen,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan and Sheng-Hua Cai. 2013. Long-term impacts of carbon tax and feed-in tariff policies on China’s generating portfolio and carbon emissions: a multi-agent-based analysis. Energy &Environment, 24(7,8): 1271-1293..

    59.Li-Ya Cai, Jian-Feng Guo,Lei Zhu. 2013. China's Future Power Structure Analysis Based on LEAP. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 35:22, 2113-2122.

    60.Hong-Bo Duan, Ying Fan,Lei Zhu. 2013. What’s the most cost-effective policy of CO2 targeted reduction: An application of aggregated economic technological model with CCS? Applied Energy, 112(12): 866-875.

    61.Ying Fan, Jian-Lei Mo,Lei Zhu. 2013. Evaluating coal bed methane investment in China based on a real options model. Resources Policy, 38(1):50-59..

    62.Jian-Lei Mo,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2012. The impact of the EU ETS on the corporate value of European electricity corporations. Energy, 45(1): 3-11.

    63.Xiao-Dan Guo,Lei Zhu, Ying Fan. 2011. Evaluation of potential reductions in carbon emissions in Chinese provinces based on environmental DEA. Energy Policy. 39(5):2352-2360.

    64.Ying Fan,Lei Zhu. 2010. A real options based model and its application to China's overseas oil investment decisions. Energy Economics, 32(3): 627-637..

    65.Jian-Lei Mo,Lei Zhu*, Yuan Li. 2013. The impact of potential climate policy on the coal bed methane investment in China-A real option based study. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 36(2/3/4): 96-115.

    66.Ying Fan,Lei Zhu. 2014.The Future Development of Energy-Environment-Economy IntegratedAssessment Modelling. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 28(4): 29-30.

    67.Ying Fan, Lei Zhu, Xiao-Bing Zhang. 2011. Analysis of Global CCS Technology, Regulations and Its Potential for Emission Reduction with Focus on China.Advances in climate change research, 2(2):57-66.

    68.Ying Fan, Xiao-Bing Zhang,Lei Zhu.2010.Estimating the macroeconomic costs of CO 2 emission reduction in China based on multi-objective programming.Advances in Climate Change Research,1(1):27-33.

    69.朱松丽,朱磊,赵小凡等.2020.“十二五”以来中国应对气候变化政策和行动评述.中国人口·资源与环境,30( 4): 1-8.

    70.朱磊,梁壮,谢俊,高霁,王昊,高硕,曾炳昕.2019.全国统一碳市场对电力行业减排的影响分析.环境经济研究,2: 28-43.

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    72.朱磊,范英. 2014.中国燃煤电厂CCS改造投资建模和补贴政策评价.中国人口资源与环境, 24(7): 99-105.

    73.朱磊,范英. 2013.依靠市场机制实现节能减排.中国科学院院刊. 28(6): 801-805.

    74.朱磊,范英,张晓兵. 2010.基于期权博弈的中国风电投资分析.数理统计与管理, 29(2): 328-335.

    75.朱磊,范英. 2009.基于实物期权理论的矿产资源最优投资策略模型.中国管理科学, 17(2): 36-41.

    76.李远,朱磊.2019.用能权交易与碳市场的协同效应及高耗能行业的策略研究.工业技术经济, 309(7): 136-142.

    77.王许,姚星,朱磊.2018.基于低碳融资机制的CCS技术融资研究.中国人口资源与环境,28( 4):17-25.

    78.李力,朱磊,范英. 2017.不确定条件下可再能源项目的竞争性投资决策.中国管理科学, 25(7): 11-17.

    79.李力,朱磊,范英. 2017.可再生能源配额机制下的投资优化模型.管理评论,(已接收待刊)

    80.彭盼,任心原,范英,朱磊. 2018.中国多地区低碳能源技术的优化选择.系统工程理论与实践,38(8): 1968-1982.

    81.李远,朱磊. 2017.能源补贴改革对于高耗能行业的影响研究.中国能源, 39(2): 15-21.

    82.李远,朱磊,范英. 2016.市场化减排政策对中国钢铁行业的影响——基于偏均衡建模的分析.工业技术经济, 1: 139-153.


    84.王许,朱磊,范英. 2015.国际经验对我国市场化减排机制设计的启示.中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版), 17(5): 68-74.

    85.段宏波,朱磊,范英. 2015.中国碳捕获与封存技术的成本演化和技术扩散分析.系统工程理论与实践, 35(2): 333-341.

    86.崔连标,宋马林,朱磊,范英. 2015.国际气候基金融资责任分摊机制研究:一种兼顾责任与能力的视角.财经研究. 41(3): 65-76.

    87.亢娅丽,朱磊. 2014.气候政策不确定条件下的发电投资优化模型.系统工程学报, 29(5): 713-724.

    88.亢娅丽,朱磊. 2014.基于Copula函数的EU ETS和电力市场间相关性分析.基于Copula函数的EU ETS和电力市场间相关性分析.中国管理科学, S1.

    89.段宏波,朱磊,范英. 2014.能源-环境-经济气候变化综合评估模型研究综述.系统工程学报,29(6): 852-868.

    90.崔连标,朱磊,范英. 2014.基于碳减排贡献原则的绿色气候基金分配研究.中国人口资源环境. 24(1): 28-34.

    91.刘明磊,范英,朱磊,段宏波. 2014.减排政策作用下的新能源内生技术变化建模.系统工程学报. 29(6): 763-770.

    92.范英,朱磊. 2014.能源-环境-经济综合评估模型的发展趋势.中国科学院院刊. 29(6): 741-742.

    93.李远,朱磊. 2014.白色证书与碳市场关系研究及启示.中国能源. 36(1): 34-39.

    94.段宏波,朱磊,范英. 2013.中国风能技术扩散的规律及政策影响分析.管理科学, 4: 113-120.

    95.莫建雷,朱磊,范英. 2013.碳市场价格稳定机制探索及对中国碳市场建设的建议.气候变化研究进展. 9(5): 368-375.

    96.崔连标,朱磊,范英. 2012.碳关税背景下中国主动减排策略可行性分析.管理科学. 26(1): 101-111.

    97.崔连标,范英,朱磊,毕清华,张毅. 2013.碳排放交易对实现我国“十二五”减排目标的成本节约效应研究.中国管理科学. 21(1): 37-46.

    98.李长胜,范英,朱磊. 2012.外生减排目标约束下的排放税及其返还机制设计.系统工程. (9): 82-86.

    99.姬强,朱磊,莫建雷,段宏波,许金华,范英. 2012. 2012年国际原油市场走势分析与价格预测.中国科学院院刊. 27(1):44-49.

    100.李长胜,范英,朱磊. 2012.基于两阶段博弈模型的钢铁行业碳强度减排机制研究.中国管理科学. 20(2): 93-101.

    101.刘明磊,朱磊,范英. 2011.我国省级碳排放绩效评价及边际减排成本估计:基于非参数距离函数方法.中国软科学, 2011(3): 106-114.

    102.范英,姬强,朱磊,莫建雷,陈林菊,段宏波. 2011. 2011年国际原油市场走势分析与价格预测.中国科学院院刊, 26(1):44-48.

    103.范英,朱磊,张晓兵. 2010.碳捕获和封存技术认知、政策现状与减排潜力分析.气候变化研究进展, 6(5): 362-369.

    104.范英,张晓兵,朱磊. 2010.基于多目标规划的中国二氧化碳减排的宏观经济成本估计.气候变化研究进展, 6(2):130-135.