



张明立 吉林省扶余县人,1962年9月出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国市场学会常务理事,中国高等院校市场学研究会理事。自1986年起一直从事市场营销学科的教学和科研工作,主要研究领域为市场营销理论、营销战略与策略、价值营销、顾客价值、品牌管理、服务营销、关系营销、顾客资产、消费者行为等,负责并完成了国家自然科学基金、世界银行、国际合作等课题十余项,并为二十余家中外企业完成了市场调研、市场营销战略、营销策划的课题研究工作,发表学术论文50余篇,主编教材四部。


[1]Zhang, Mingli, Zhang Yan, Zhao Lu. "What drives online course sales? Signaling effects of user-generated information in the paid knowledge market."Journal of Business Research118 (2020): 389-397.(SSCI)

[2]Luo, Nuan, Wang Yu,Zhang Mingli*. "Integrating community and e-commerce to build a trusted online second-hand platform: Based on the perspective of social capital."Technological Forecasting and Social Change153 (2020): 1-7.(SSCI)

[3]Qi Dan,Zhang Mingli,Zhang Yan,“Resource integration, value co-creation and continuance intention in MOOCs learning process”,Interactive Learning Environments2020,Online.(SSCI)

[4]Zhang Yan,Zhang mingli,Luo Nuan,Wang Yu,Niu Tao. "Understanding the formation mechanism of high-quality knowledge in social question and answer communities: A knowledge co-creation perspective."International Journal of Information Management48 (2019): 72-84.(SSCI)

[5]Lu Nuan,Zhang Yan,Zhang Mingli*,“Retaining learners by establishing harmonious relationships in e-learning environment”,Interactive Learning Environments2019,14:118-131.(SSCI)

[6]Qiao Tong, ShanWei,Zhang Mingli. "How to facilitate knowledge diffusion in complex networks: The roles of network structure, knowledge role distribution and selection rule."International Journal of Information Management47 (2019): 152-167.(SSCI)

[7]Luo Nuan, Wang Yu, Jin Cunhua, Ni Yuan,Zhang Mingli*. Effects of socialization interactions on customer engagement in online travel communities.Internet Research.2019,29(6):1509-1522(SCI/SSC)

[8]ZhangMingli,Hu Mu,Guo Lingyun, et al. Understanding relationships among customer experience, engagement, and word-of-mouth intention on online brand communities: The perspective of Service Ecosystem[J].Internet Research,2017,27(4):839-857(SCI/SSC)

[9] Hu mu,ZhangMingli,Wang Yu. Why do audiences choose to keep watching on live video streaming platforms? An explanation of dual identification framework[J].Computers in Human Behavior, 75 (2017) 594-606(SSCI)

[10] Luo Nuan,ZhangMingli,Qi Dan. Effects of different interactions on students' sense of community in e-learning environment[J].Computers & Education, 2017, 115: 153-160.(SSCI)

[11]ZhangMingli,Guo Lingyun,Hu Mu, Wan Zhenhua, et al. Influence of customer engagement with company social networks on stickiness: Mediating effect of customer value creation[J].International Journal of Information Management,37 (2017):229–240(SSCI)

[12]Guo Lingyun,Zhang Mingli,et al."Transforming followers into fans: a study of Chinese users of the WeChat Official Account",Online Information Review,2017,41(7):1029-1045(SSCI)

[13]ZhangMingli,Luo Nuan. Understanding relationship benefits from harmonious brand community on social media[J].Internet Research, 2016, 26(4): 809-826.(SCI/SSCI)

[14]Luo Nuan,Zhang mingli,Hu Mu,Wang Yu,et al. How community interactions contribute to harmonious community relationships and customers’ identification in online brand community[J].International Journal of Information Management, 2016, 36(5): 673-685.(SSCI)

[15]Hu Mu,ZhangMingli,Luo Nuan. Understanding participation on video sharing communities: The role of self-construal and community interactivity[J].Computers in Human Behavior2016, 62: 105-115.(SSCI)

[16]Luo Nuan,ZhangMingli,Liu Wenhua. The effects of value co-creation practices on building harmonious brand community and achieving brand loyalty on social media in China[J].Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, 48: 492-499.(SSCI)

[17]Zhang, Suopeng,Zhang, Mingli,Yu, Xueying,Ren, Hao,What keepsChinese from recycling: Accessibility of recycling facilities and the behavior,Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2016.6.01,109:176~186(SCI)

[18]Guo Lingyun,ZhangMingli,Wang Yu,“Effects of customer psychological characteristics on customer engagement behavior in company social networks”.Social Behavior and Personality.Volume44, Issue 10, 2016.(SSCI)

[19]Zhang Zaixiao,ZhangMingliSalespersons’ Guanxi Orientation, Communication, and Manifest Conflict: An Empirical Study in China.Psychology and Marketing,Vol. 31(9): 786–800 (September 2014)(SSCI)

[20]Zhang Zaixiao,ZhangMingli,Guanxi, Communication, Power, and Conflict in Industrial Buyer-Seller Relationships: Mitigations Against the Cultural Background of Harmony in China.Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.20(2):99–117,May2013(SSCI)








[28]许月恒.张明立,任淑霞 物流服务业服务品牌对客户关系感知的影响研究.管理学报2013年(10).5期:730-739

[29]唐塞丽,张明立,许月恒 关系利益在零售业忠诚计划和顾客忠诚中的中介效应研究管理学报2012年(9)3期:421-445









[1]张明立 任淑霞 品牌管理(第3版)清华大学出版社 北京交通大学出版社,2018年

[2]张明立 任淑霞 品牌管理(第2版),清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社,2014年

[3]张明立 冯宁 品牌管理 清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社,2010年

[4]张明立 顾客价值----21世纪企业竞争优势的来源(著作),电子工业出版社,2007年

[5]张明立 市场调查与预测,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2004年

[6]张明立 市场营销学,科学出版社,2003年

[7]张明立 市场营销学,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,1999年