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Streaming Customers in Live Stream Commerce: Identifying Lifts from Sales Pitches

来源: | 发布时间:2023-10-18| 点击:



腾讯视频会议ID709-159-028 密码:25556

讲座嘉宾:厉行 教授,北京大学光华管理学院

主持人:刘霖 教授





题目: Streaming Customers in Live Stream Commerce: Identifying Lifts from Sales Pitches

摘要: Live stream commerce is a trending marketing practice where customers watch broadcasters' online sales presentations in real time and make purchases quickly in the showroom. A top broadcaster in China can realize about one million dollars in sales during a three-hour live show on a typical day. However, skepticism arises on its overall effectiveness to the brand. The live stream may cannibalize sales volumes from other channels, and high commission fees and deep discounts may even shrink the margin. This paper identifies the net effect of the sales pitch by top broadcasters using customers' streaming data from a leading live stream platform in China. Broadcasters launch a sequence of products during one show and sometimes have intermission periods during two products. What customers see depends on their time of entering the showroom. We compare two groups of customers, one entering the showroom during a product interval and the other during its follow-up intermission, to examine the net effect of the sales pitch by broadcasters. We find that customers increase their tendencies of product-page browsing by 1.92% (relative to 9.11% for those who do not see the live sales pitch) and their purchase likelihood by 0.88% (relative to 0.66%). Effects are more pronounced for low-involvement and hedonic products, and customers aged between 30 and 50 are mostly affected. Further analysis suggests a positive intensive margin, as customers entering earlier convert more within a product period.


厉行,北京大学光华管理学院市场营副教授、博士生导师、中国高校市场学研究会理事。主要研究领域为营销模型和产业经济学,研究问题包括在线广告的效果衡量、线上线下渠道融合、社交网络的传播、版权保护与产品定价等。在“Rand Journal of Economics”“The Economic Journal”“Management Science”“Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science”、《经济学(季刊)》、《营销科学学报》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文。