时间:3024年4月2日(周二) 15:00-16:30
Boosting Service Agility through Temporary Feature Removal
摘要: The shift towards automation and intelligence in the automotive industry poses significant challenges for assemble-to-order (ATO) car manufacturers' supply chains, particularly due to the escalating demand for high-performance chips. Technological hurdles and raw material scarcities result in unstable chip supply, causing delivery delays and lower service levels. To address this, many manufacturers are embracing a novel agility strategy: temporary feature removal (TFR). This strategy allows fulfilling demands with an ``incomplete” product, missing a component, which is later retrofitted upon availability of the component. Although TFR boosts demand fulfillment agility, it remains unclear how to optimally implement the strategy. To fill this gap, we analyze a single-product ATO system with nonidentical leadtimes and nonstationary demands. The task is complicated by random component capacity, and by the interwined stochastic decisions of component replenishment, assembly of complete and incomplete products, and retrofitting. We establish a new functional property, termed ``piece-wise additive separability,” generalizing the standard additive separability notion that is not applicable to our problem. This allows us to show the optimal replenishment policy for the two-component system follows the well-known balanced base-stock policy. For general single-product ATO systems, our analyses indicate that the optimal assembly and retrofitting policies both fall into the category of ``no-holdback" policy. We identify two extreme scenarios: prioritizing new demand fulfillment and retrofitting, both of which and their intermediates prove to be optimal. We also numerically show TFR can yield significant cost savings.
邓天虎,博士,清华大学工业工程系副教授。2013年于美国加州大学伯克利分校获得工业工程与运筹博士学位,2008年于清华大学工业工程系获得学士学位。目前研究方向侧重智慧供应链。主持国家级青年人才项目。以第一作者和通讯作者在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management、Operations Research等国际高水平学术期刊和学术会议发表论文20余篇。