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来源: | 发布时间:2024-11-08| 点击:

报告题目:Formation and Routing of Worker Teams for Airport Ground Handling Operations: An Exact Solution Approach with Continuous-Time

报告人:李纪柳 教授

时间:11.11星期一(10:00 – 12:00)

地点:新主楼 A928

讲座系列: 工程管理


Recently, worker team formation and routing problems for airport ground handling operations have been researched in depth by some scholars. Even if efficiency and cost are extremely important to the relevant practice, the existing algorithms are based on a discrete-time formulation and thus lose the potential possibility of exploring optimality. As such, this talk focuses on developing a new exact solution framework to effectively address its continuous-time extension based on a new tour-based formulation with an infinite number of variables and constraints, hereafter called the enumeration-check-and-switch algorithm. In the algorithm, we design a column-and-checking-constraints generation to deal with the LP-relaxation of the formulation by dynamically considering column variables and time-related constraints, and adopt two specific variable fixing approaches to enumerate potential columns into a restricted formulation that can be directly solved by general solvers. In addition, a checking procedure is embedded in the algorithm to ensure the feasibility of the final solution, and a model switch approach is customized to further reduce the size of enumerated columns. Extensive computational results on benchmark instances illustrate that the newly-proposed algorithm can exactly solve all the open instances and exhibits two orders of magnitude speedup compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, additional numerical experiments are conducted to show the remarkable effectiveness of every algorithmic component and to provide some analyses for the importance of considering continuous time.


李纪柳教授,西北工业大学管理学院,博士生导师。博士毕业于华中科技大学,曾赴香港理工大学访问交流。2023年入职西北工业大学,并于次年入选陕西省青年人才计划。围绕我国智慧物流与智能制造的发展需求,擅长启发式算法、精确算法、强化学习等智能决策方法,长期研究物流网络及生产运作中的重要优化问题。主持和参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目等多项,主要研究成果集中在车辆路径优化、共享物流设计、生产计划调度等组合优化问题,研究成果发表在IJOC、TS、TRB /TRE、EJOR、Omega等国际顶级和重要期刊。