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报告题目:Experience and evolution of structural holes: from the view of both broker and alters

报告人:孙笑明 教授

时间:12.16 星期一(10:00 – 12:00)

地点:新主楼 A1028

讲座系列: 工程管理


Structural holes have been proven valuable for performance at various levels, but such structures are also fragile. Consequently, research has begun to explore dynamically how these structures form, stabilize, and close. In these studies, Burt and many scholars have found that experience greatly assists brokers in obtaining brokerage benefits. However, no studies have examined how experience affects the evolution of structural holes, particularly in scenarios where brokerage ends in closure or disintermediation. Therefore, the focus of this lecture is to reveal the impact of experience on the dynamic evolution of networks. Based on organizational learning theory, resource-based theory, and social network theory, we categorize experience into cognitive and non-cognitive experiences, considering both the broker and alters as well as their interactions. Interestingly, while the individual cognitive experiences of brokers and alters promote the closure of structural holes or inhibit structural holes disintermediation, their interactions facilitate the evolution of structural holes towards disintermediation. Meanwhile, the non-cognitive experiences of brokers and alters, whether alone or in interaction, consistently inhibit disintermediation. Additionally, it is thought-provoking that, despite being constrained by various experiential factors, disintermediation ultimately enhances the innovation output of both brokers and alters. This reveals the differentiated roles of cognitive and non-cognitive experiences in shaping network evolution, as well as the complex relationships between individual experiences, collective learning, and the evolution of structural holes.


孙笑明教授,西安建筑科技大学管理学院,博士生导师。博士毕业于西安交通大学,意大利博科尼大学及圣心天主教大学资助研究员、访问学者。入选陕西高校“青年杰出人才支持计划”。主要从事动态创新网络及专利大数据分析等方面的研究,为陕西秦创原“科学家+工程师”队伍建设项目首席科学家,陕西省数据知识产权专家组成员,知网评审专家。担任《科技进步与对策》青年学者学术委员会副主任、秘书长。主持、参与国家及省部级项目11项,在《Research Policy》等高质量期刊上发表论文70余篇,撰写专著2部,译著1部。获陕西省高校优秀科研成果二等奖等奖项11项。