Optimal Pricing and Reputation Investment for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Considering Herd Effects and Heterogeneous Customers
汇报人: 丁琰妍 香港理工大学,商学院,物流与航运系,研究助理教授
时间: 12.18 星期三(下午 14:30 – 16:30)
地点: A1148
邀请人: 王楚男
讲座系列: 经 济
As public awareness of carbon emission reduction increases, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of mobility service providers regarding energy conservation and emissions has garnered significant consumer attention and will influence their choices. This study investigates the growing significance of CSR reputation for mobility service providers, particularly airlines investing in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). A two-stage sequential decision model is employed to determine the optimal reputation investment strategies, considering the impact of herd effects, congestion effects, and customer heterogeneity. The model analyzes two pricing strategies: uniform pricing with uniform service and differentiated pricing with distinct services for different customer groups. Using a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) framework, the study evaluates optimal reputation investment levels, pricing strategies, and overall profitability. Findings indicate that herd effects can amplify reputation investment, and while uniform pricing might be advantageous in low BCR scenarios, higher BCR scenarios generally favor differentiated pricing.
丁琰妍,香港理工大学商学院物流与航运系研究助理教授,于香港科技大学获得交通工程博士学位,主要研究方向为可持续运输与物流、可持续航空燃料供应链系统、运输系统与碳市场的耦合等。丁琰妍于2022年荣获26届HKSTS优秀论文奖,并于2023年在女性工程领域研讨会中获得Rising Star (Research)的荣誉。她的研究主要发表于Transportation Part B\C\D\E等交通领域顶级期刊及ISTTT, Informs Annual Meetings, TRB等交通及管理领域顶会。同时,她还担任Transportation Research Part A\B\C\D\E, European Journal of Operational Research,Production and Operations Management 等高水平期刊的审稿人,参与了由美国能源基金会、中国能源局、国务院宏观发展研究院等资助的多个研究项目,如中国光伏资源测算、电动汽车充放电行为对电力系统稳定性影响的评估等。