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【北航经商院•经济学双周论坛 第15期】

来源: | 发布时间:2018-09-21| 点击:



2018921日,北航经商院经济学双周论坛迎来了2018年秋季的第十五期讲座。此次主讲特别邀请到了北航经济管理学院助理教授刘宁博士,曾在博科尼大学(Bocconi University)进行博士后研究。主要研究领域为个人和群体决策,重点关注风险与不确定性下的决策和社会公平决策。近年来的研究注重结合决策理论和实践,致力于改善气候变化以及促进可持续发展。此次报告题目是“知扬而行合:对未来世代行为的预测促进代际利他行为”,研究找到了一种简单可行的促进代际投入的行为干预方法,在决策者之前的世代并未投入的情况下促进代际投入尤为有效;且此干预手段将决策者的注意力转移到未来世代以及代际投入的效率上,减弱了以往世代不公的决定与当前决策者决定之间的联系,转而加强了决策者决定对未来世代的影响在该决策中的分量。 






Assistant Prof. Ning Liu: Visions Fly and Actions Follow: Estimation of Successors’Actions Enhances Intergenerational Altruism

On 21st September, 2018, we welcomeAssistant Prof. Ning Liu to our Bi-Week AppliedEconomics Colloquium. Dr.Liu delivered a talk titled as Visions Fly and Actions Follow: Estimation ofSuccessors’ Actions Enhances Intergenerational Altruism. Heworked as a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University. He is interested inindividual and group decision making under uncertainty and social preferences.The most recent work of his applied theories in decision science on theproblems such as climate change and sustainability. The Colloquium iscoordinated by Associate Prof. Hua Zhong from School of Economics andManagement at Beihang University.

During the lecture, over 20 scholarsand students from the SEM were involved in discussion. They raised questionsabout the paper’s methodological framework and empirical strategies in interdisciplinaryresearch, which provokes further thinking on the issues from both parties.