2018年11月30日,北航经商院 •经济学双周论坛迎来了2018年秋季的第二十一期讲座。此次主讲特别邀请到了山东大学数学学院运筹学副教授徐进博士。研究兴趣集中于网络中的战略互动及其对公司运营决策的影响。此次报告题目是“基于变分不等式的网络竞赛的研究”,研究了一个网络上的竞赛博弈,证明了Nash均衡集的非空性和凸性且使用变分不等式提供了等价的刻画,并展示了成本函数的强单调性可保证均衡的唯一性。
另外,该研究还考查了模型参数如何影响均衡努力和收益,讨论了奖励分配、竞赛设计等应用。现场20余名经管学院的老师和同学认真听取了报告, 并提出问题,共同探讨。论坛在热烈的学术氛围中圆满结束,我们期待下期经济学双周论坛的精彩学术碰撞。
Dr. Jin Xu: Networksin Conflict: A Variational Inequality Approach
On 30 November, 2018, we welcomed the speaker Dr. Jin Xu from Shandong University. Heis Associate Professor of Operations Research at the School of Mathematics. His research interest focuses on Strategic interactions in networks and their implications on firms' operational decision making.
In the seminar, Dr. Xu presented his last research “Networksin Conflict: A Variational Inequality Approach”, which studies a contest gameamong players fighting in a nexus of conflicts, showing that the set of purestrategy Nash equilibria is nonempty and convex, and provides equivalent characterizations using techniques from Variational Inequality (VI).
More than 20 teachers and students of the School of Economics and Management have participated in the seminar and discussed the study with Dr. Xu. We are looking forward to the Bi-Week Applied Economics Colloquium next week.