尹海涛:规模控制 vs. 标准控制: 治理污染的两种途径的比较分析
2018年12月14日,北航经商院• 经济学双周论坛迎来了2018年秋季的第二十二期讲座。此次主讲特别邀请到了上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院经济系副教授、经济系主任。主要从事环境经济与政策,能源经济与政策的研究。此次报告题目是“规模控制vs. 标准控制: 治理污染的两种途径的比较分析”,介绍了以命令和控制为特征的环保政策下两种常见的做法,即关停小企业和关停不达标企业,并实证分析了两种污染控制手段的差别。
现场20余名经管学院的老师和同学认真听取了报告, 并提出问题,共同探讨。论坛在热烈的学术氛围中圆满结束,我们期待下期经济学双周论坛的精彩学术碰撞。
Dr.Haitao Yin: Eliminating Small Firms or Noncompliant Firms: A ComparativeAnalysis of Two Ways to Control Pollution
On 14 December, 2018, we welcomed the speaker Dr. Haitao Yin from Shanghai JiaoTong University. He obtained his Ph.D in Applied Economics and Management Science at The Wharton School in University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on Environmental Economy and Policy and Energy Economy and PolicyResearch.
In the seminar, Dr. Xu presented his last research “Eliminating Small Firms or Noncompliant Firms: A Comparative Analysis of Two Ways to Control Pollution”, which studies two common practices--closing small firms and shutting down noncompliant companies, under the command and control environmental policy. It theoretically analyzes the difference between them, and further empirically investigates how the surviving firms could be affected differently by these pollution control methods.
More than 20 teachers and students of the School of Economics and Management haveparticipated in the seminar and discussed the study with Dr. Yin. We are looking forward to the Bi-Week Applied Economics Colloquium next week.