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【北航经商院•经济学双周论坛 第25期】

来源: | 发布时间:2018-12-28| 点击:





20181228日,北航经商院• 经济学双周论坛迎来了2018年秋季的最后一次讲座。此次主讲特别邀请到了北京航空航天大学经济管理学院经济学助理教授郝壮研究兴趣为应用微观经济学及健康经济学。此次报告题目是“娱乐性大麻合法化的跨境溢出效应”研究了科罗拉多州和华盛顿州娱乐性大麻合法化(RecreationalMarijuana Legalization, RML)对临州的溢出效应。



现场20余名经管学院的老师和同学认真听取了报告, 并提出问题,共同探讨。论坛在热烈的学术氛围中圆满结束,我们期待明年更加精彩的经济学双周论坛。


Dr. Zhuang Hao: The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization


On 28 December, 2018, we welcomed the speaker Dr. Zhuang Hao from Beihang University. He obtained his PhD degree in Economics at Washington State University. Hisresearch focuses on applied microeconomics and health economics.

In the seminar, Dr. Hao presented his last research “The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization”, which examines the spillover effects of recreational marijuana legalization (RML) in Colorado and Washington on neighboring states.The research finds that RML causes a sharp increase in marijuana possession arrests in border counties of neighboring states relative to non-bordercounties in these states.  


More than 20 teachers and students of the School of Economics and Management have participated in the seminar and discussed the study with Dr. Hao. We are looking forward to the Bi-Week Applied Economics Colloquium next semester.