Alexander White:TheEconomics of Online Platforms
2019年4月4日,北航经商院 • 经济学双周论坛迎来了2019年春季的第二十九期讲座。此次主讲特别邀请到了清华大学经济管理学院经济系的副教授Alexander White博士。研究领域主要是产业组织理论和微观经济理论,尤其侧重于互联网经济学。
此次报告题目是“The Economics ofOnline Platforms”,针对一些“在线平台”经济进行了调研,主要关注传统经济学模型的调整用以结合互联网所带来的新的方面。
现场20余名经管学院的老师和同学认真听取了报告, 并提出问题,共同探讨。论坛在热烈的学术氛围中圆满结束,我们期待下期经济学双周论坛的精彩学术碰撞。
Dr. AlexanderWhite: The Economics of Online Platforms
On 4 Apr. 2019, we welcomed the speaker Dr. Alexander White from Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics whose research is primarily in Industrial Organization and Microeconomic Theory, with particular focus on the economics of the Internet.
In the seminar, Dr. White presented his last research “The Economics of Online Platforms”, which surveys much economic work that has studied ‘online platforms’, focusing on the ways in which traditional economic models havebeen adapted to incorporate novel aspects made relevant by the Internet.
More than 20 teachers and students of the School of Economics and Management have participated in the seminar and discussed thestudy with Dr. White. We are looking forward to the Bi-Week Applied Economics Colloquium next week.