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Nan Hu副教授讲座通知【北航经济与商学国际学术论坛】【北航经管“尚学敏行”工作坊】

来源: | 发布时间:2017-07-03| 点击:



题目:Does A Good Paper Never Die?  

主讲人:Nan Hu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology



摘要:In this talk, we will discuss what a good paper is, where research ideas come from, and how to get a paper published.  

主讲人简介:Dr. Hu’s research focuses on investigating the value implications and market efficiency of traditional information (e.g. company financial reports, analysts’ forecast, corporate governance, etc.) and non-traditional information (e.g. blog opinion, online consumer reviews, etc.), using a combination of theories form accounting, finance, marketing, information economics, sociology, psychology, and computer science. His research appears in leading IS/Accounting/Finance/CS conferences (ICIS, WISE, HICSS, AAA, FMA, WWW, USINEX Security, ACM EC, etc.), and journals including Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance (JAAF), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (JAPP), Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (JBFA), Journal of Financial Stability, MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE TEM), Journal of Business Research (JBR), Communications of the ACM (CACM), Decision Support Systems (DSS), etc. Dr. Hu’s research has been well recognized by the academic and industrial realms. His papers have been cited more than 2200 times based on Google Scholars.